Just a Little While Longer...
I have been a little procrastinatory about starting this entry. Vacation just ended, and I took a week off from the blog. I decided to spend the time away in Mexico enjoying myself with my love and our friends. I didn't want to to be consumed with reporting on the trip. I wanted to live it.
And now, it's a relaxing Sunday at home. Thankfully, I gave the apartment a good once-over before leaving. I cleaned from top to bottom, as our friend, Zach, had graciously agreed to keep Brando company while we were away. That was just the spur I needed for me to get our home in tip-top shape. I'm a pretty regimented housekeeper (thanks, mom), but I'm especially so when company is coming. And so my usual Sunday chores were completed a week ago, and I've had the day to just laze about with our dog in a clean home.
Like I said, I almost put this post off another day. "Finish out the weekend," I thought. "Go back to work tomorrow." But no; I made a promise to me and to you that this blog would be updated with a new entry every Sunday. One week away was one thing, but two would be pushing things into a lackadaisical territory - a direction to which I don't care to head.
However, I do hope you'll forgive me if there's the lack of narrative punch my previous posts provided. This is more about getting back onto the horse. My mind is still in Mexico, and I haven't completely shifted gears to the tasks at hand. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the many kind words of support you've shared with me since I launched The Untitled Gary Hilborn Project on December 15th. I see each of your comments, re-shares, double-taps, and subscriptions, and it's all so very appreciated. Writing has always held an allure for me, and your encouragement is pushing me further along this path.
This evening, I'm going to settle in and watch the Screen Actors Guild Awards with Dana. He's rarely home on Sunday evenings, and so we don't usually get to watch these shows together. The SAG Awards hold a special place in my heart, since it's actors celebrating actors. There's a general sense of camaraderie in the air, and the acceptance speeches often veer to those reasons why we love what we do. I'll admit to sometimes getting a little misty as the night wears on.
Next week, I start teaching theatre to four elementary-grade classes at a public school in the Bronx. It's just one morning a week from now through April, but I'm quite looking forward to it. I had amazing teachers who helped foster my dreams when I was young. If I can return that favor, I'm thrilled to do so. I'm also signing the paperwork with my new agency within the next few days - just in time for this busy period known as "pilot season." And I haven't forgot about that big project announcement I alluded to on Instagram a few weeks back. It's still in the works, so stay tuned.
In short, there will be lots of stories to tell in the coming days and weeks. Thanks for sticking around while I indulge in a few more hours of leisure. I'll be sure to share more adventures and reminiscences soon.
featured photo credit: "Untitled" by Gary Hilborn. Copyright 2019. All Rights Reserved.